group picture of football team holding American flags

The Fund for Camden Catholc

Annual giving provides support vital to the ongoing success of Camden Catholic students. The Fund for Camden Catholic raised over $1.6 million in 2022-23 and is essential to the school’s daily operation and to keeping the tuition affordable by filling the gap between the Actual Cost of Education (ACE) ($15,000) and the actual cost of tuition ($11,985). The gap of $3,015 per student is what we strive to fundraise for in our Fund. The Fund is supplemented by Irish Giving Day, an extremely successful and now critical piece of our fundraising puzzle each year. This one-day donor event earned OVER $322,937 for the Annual Fund in 2024.

Shamrock Society Shamrock Society donors are those exemplary alumni and friends of CCHS who make an annual commitment of $1,000 to the Fund for Camden Catholic. These leadership gifts reflect your confidence in both the traditions and the evolution of the Camden Catholic experience. Join the Shamrock Society for as little as $84/month and become a member of Camden Catholic’s premier giving club. Membership includes priority listing in our Annual Report, invitations to special events and recognition as Camden Catholic’s most loyal supporters.